iUP Innovation Connections | ROG.e 2024

About the Event

Are you ready to dive into the latest industry innovations? ROG.e’s Innovation Connections is the place to be! IUP will present the latest innovations in the sector to companies, strengthening the development of innovative solutions for the area.

Intending to foster partnerships and investments, and explore challenges and opportunities, this event is a must for anyone who wants to be at the forefront of innovation.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders and explore the latest trends.

garanta seu ingresso agora

17 Plenary Sessions

3 Masterclass sessions

4 Keynote sessions

2 Startup Pitches

1 Academic Pitch

Startup exhibition

Speed dating

Temas dos painéis

Financial Innovation

Early-Stage Funding
Government Funding Resources
CVCs, CVBs, VCs & Founders

Human Capital

Talent Recruitment and Retention
Talent Re-skilling
Training Future Energy Leaders

Innovation Ecosystems

Trends and lessons learned in global energy innovation
International cooperation in search of innovative solutions
How to turn R&D into innovation

Technological Frontiers

Industry Decarbonization
Technologies for the Energy Transition
AI and Digital Technology

Check out the speakers

Ada Jakobsen

CEO - Maritime Cleantech
Paulo Costa

Paulo Costa

CEO - Cubo Itaú
Isabel Waclaweck - Total Energies

Isabel Waclaweck

Total E&P Brazil R&D Director - TotalEnergies

Muqsit Ashraf

Group Chief Executive - Strategy - Accenture
Maiza Gourlat - Petrobras

Maiza Pimenta Goulart

Gerente Executiva - CENPES
Alfredo Renault - Coppe

Alfredo Renault

Diretor do Centro de Tecnologia de Baixo Carbono – COPPE/UFRJ
Patricia Grabowsky

Patricia Grabowsky

Gerente Executiva de Pessoas e Inovação - Ocyan

Marc Spieler

Senior Managing Director for the Global Energy Industry - NVIDIA
Sandro Valeri

Sandro Valeri

General Partner - Slat Ventures
Juliano Dantas

Juliano Dantas

Executive Vice President Technology and Innovation - Eletrobras
Confira a programação completa

Patrocínio Master




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