Debates na manhã do segundo dia da ROG.e mostram como essas fontes energéticas auxiliam o processo de evolução energética O diretor de logística da Petrobras, Claudio Schlosser, avalia que as biorrefinarias são fundamentais na transição energética nacional pelas soluções de baixo carbono. “Já desenvolvemos o diesel R5, composto por solução renovável (óleo vegetal e gordura […]
At the opening session of one of the leading events in the sector, on Monday (23) in Rio de Janeiro, leaders have highlighted Brazil’s strategic position in the global energy landscape ROG.e 2024 kicked off on Monday (23) showing the world that coexistence between different energy sources is a strategic path towards a just and […]
Na ROG.e, diretora-executiva de Exploração e Produção da Petrobras, Sylvia dos Anjos, defende nova fronteira para patrocinar novas fontes de energia A descoberta de vastas reservas de petróleo na Guiana e no Suriname tem redefinido o panorama energético na região, com impacto nas perspectivas de produção de petróleo em novas fronteiras no Brasil, onde recente […]
Technological innovation, O&G exploration safety, professional development, diversity and inclusion, renewables and biofuels, and lubricants are part of the schedule for September 23 to 26 in Rio de Janeiro ROG.e, one of the world’s leading energy events and organized by the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum and Gas (IBP), will promote seven parallel events at the […]
The app for ROG.e 2024, one of the world’s leading energy events, which will be held between September 23 and 26 on the Olympic Boulevard in Rio de Janeiro’s port area, is now available to download. Available for Android and iOS, the app allows attendees, visitors and conference members to create their own schedule, select sessions and bookmark […]
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will launch the 18th edition of the World Oil Outlook (WOO), a publication that analyzes the oil and energy industry in the medium and long term, at ROG.e 2024, one of the world’s leading energy events. It will be presented by the organization’s Secretary General, Haitham al-Ghais, […]