Para debater o futuro, o evento contará com uma palestra de Rohit Bhargava, especialista em inovação e em prever tendências.
ROG.e 2024, one of the world’s leading energy events, will include in its parallel schedule the ANP’s 12th Operational Safety and Environment Seminar (SOMA) – an annual meeting of great importance for the operational safety of oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) activities in Brazil – which will be held on September 25 […]
Having integrated the 2022 schedule, the Young Summit is back as one of ROG.e 2024’s parallel events. The arena where students, young professionals and industry managers can expand their knowledge, exchange experiences and develop skills will be held on September 23 and 24 at the Olympic Boulevard in Rio de Janeiro. The schedule will be […]
iUP Innovation Connections – iUP’s innovation hub at ROG.e 2024, one of the world’s leading energy events – is now open for registration. With its own program, it aims to present the latest innovations in the oil, gas, and energy sector to companies, strengthening the development of innovative solutions, fostering partnerships and investments, and exploring challenges […]
A iniciativa é direcionada para os estudantes que possuem um perfil inovador e disruptivo e que buscam – por meio de contato e de mentoria com experts de empresas do setor, do IBP e das entidades parceiras – um maior protagonismo na indústria.
A três meses da realização, a ROG.e, um dos maiores eventos globais de energia, já tem nomes de peso confirmados na programação e a definição de seus eventos paralelos.